LETTONIE - RUSSIE, Traités et documents de base

Statement by Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey for Baltic Freedom Day June 12, 1966

Statement by Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey for Baltic Freedom Day June 12, 1966

Freedom and nationhood are rightly prized throughout the world. The peoples of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania cherish - with particular fervour - the ideals of liberty and sovereignty.

On the occasion of Baltic Freedom Day, 1966, Americans of every ancestry extend greetings to our fellow citizens of Baltic descent and to their kinsmen abroad.

The U. S. Government is committed now, as in the past, to the right of self-determination of the Baltic and all other peoples.

Our Government has soundly refused either to condone or to accept the forced illegal annexation of the Baltic Nations and their territories into the Soviet Union. To the contrary, throughout the forums of the world, including the United Nations, we have repeatedly reaffirmed the right of Baltic peoples to restoration of sovereignty.

So, too, we continue to recognise the diplomatic and consular representatives of the pre-World War II Baltic Governments.

Reliable reports confirm that the Baltic peoples do continue to revere their respective national and cultural traditions. Despite alien occupation, oppression and mass deportation, the love of liberty burns strongly in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian hearts. We Americans deeply respect these brave peoples for their steadfast devotion to freedom. The United States re-pledges itself to the universal principles of independence, personal liberty and human dignity.

At this very time, in another part of the world, the sovereignty of another small nation - Viet Nam - is crucially at stake. Brave American fighting forces, as well as civilians, arc giving their all for Vietnam's freedom. In this spirit, we rededicate ourselves anew to the cause of freedom everywhere.

cité dans American Latvian Association in The United States, " Lettonie, en com-mémoration du 50ème anniversaire de la Déclaration d'Indépendance de la République de Lettonie" , Washington D.C., 1968, p.71


  • , Suisse Romande, 30 novembre 2000 Mise à jour: 30 novembre 2000
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