LETTONIE - RUSSIE, Traités et documents de base

Resolution on the proposal of the Republic of Iceland to act as a mediator in organising and conducting negotiations between the Baltic States and the USSR.

Resolution on the proposal of the Republic of Iceland to act as a mediator in organising and conducting negotiations between the Baltic States and the USSR.

Having discussed the proposal of the Republic of Iceland to act as mediator in organising and conducting negotiations between the Baltic States (the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, and the Republic of Lithuania) on one side and the USSR on the other side, the Council of Baltic States, noting this step taken by Iceland with sincere gratitude has adopted the following policies:

to accept the proposal of the Republic of Iceland;

during preparations for possible negotiations between the Baltic States and the USSR where the Republic of Iceland would mediate, it is beneficial for each Baltic State to remain direct contact with Iceland;

the initiative of the Republic of Iceland can play a positive role in re-establishing recognition by the USSR of the independent statehoods of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, and the Republic of Lithuania;

this initiative by the republic of Iceland can be successfully combined with the previously commenced process of re-establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Iceland end the Republic of Lithuania;

the Council of the Baltic States regards the initiative of the Republic of Iceland as a new manifestation of present-day approach to the settlement of the complex international political problems.

J�rmala, April 13, 1991

Chairman, Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia

President Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania

Chairman, Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia

fax from the Info Office of the Republic of Latvia


  • , Suisse Romande, 30 novembre 2000 Mise à jour: 30 novembre 2000
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