The leaders of the Baltic States,
Addressing the United States and the entire world community, including the
USSR, which has declared its intention to become a democratic state governed
by law and adhering to international law,
accordingly appeal and request:
that in all areas - in international forums, in bilateral relations between states, in the field of education, in political cartography, intercommunications, etc. - the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, and the Republic of Lithuania be treated as independent states;
that any action of other states against sovereign rights of Estonia, Latvia Lithuania be given due interpretation and be condemned accordingly;
that the three Baltic States be permitted and assisted in realising their independence by re-establishing former diplomatic and other international relations with all states interested in them, including the USSR, and establishing new ones with every other democratic state interested in such relations.
Supreme Council, Republic of Lithuania
Edgar Savissar
Prime Minister, Republic of Estonia,
Prime Minister, Republic of Latvia
May 8, 1991
fax from Legation de Lettonie � Washington